Raquel Benmergui

Raquel Benmergui: Visual Storytelling, Explainer videos, Graphic Facilitation/Recording, Sketchnotes, Arts-based facilitation, Visuaalinen tarinallistaminen, Selitys/Piirros videot, Graafinen fasilitointi, livekuvitus, visuaaliset muistiinpanot, taidelähtöinen fasilitointi

Raquel Benmergui is an art-based facilitator who merges applied drama, graphic facilitation and intercultural communication. Here you will find information about and a portfolio of Raquel Benmergui's graphic recordings. (VISUAL STORYTELLING, ARTS-BASED FACILITATION, GRAPHIC FACILITATION/RECORDING, SKETCHNOTES, TAIDELÄHTÖINEN FASILITOINTI, GRAAFINEN FASILITOINTI, LIVEKUVITUS, VISUAALISET MUISTIINPANOT)

My work has been noted by these amazing people, organisations, projects, and events:

Co-operating with Jari Koskinen (AlternativeFutures), we facilitated a session for 150 people--some of the staff of Lahti University of Applied Sciences on their Development Day. Below is a video they posted:

Lahden ammattikorkeakoulun henkilöstön suunnitelmia tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksista opetuksessa. Henkilöstön kehittämispäivät 21.- 22.8.2013. Työpajan toteuttajat: Jari Koskinen & Raquel Benmergui, Alternative Futures Oy

Watch the whole video below or forward it to 5:34-6:22 to see a clip of the drama-based workshop I was asked to facilitate at the International Project Management World Congress in Helsinki (2009). 
The energy and the insight was amazing. I am still getting wonderful feedback from that session--years later!

You can access two articles written mostly in Finnish by Pekka Korhonen about the same workshop in Projektitoiminta 1/2009 on pages 30-33 and Projektitoiminta 2/2009 on pages 20-23.

IPMA® is a world leading non-profit project management organisation. IPMA® represents 45 national project management associations on the international level. IPMA has every year World Congress and the 23rd was in Helsinki, Finland. See more from this video and refresh yourself...

Unfortunately, the credit information is not displayed on tablets or smartphones. Please note that many of the photographs were kindly supplied by Pirita Tolvanen & Kristine Matilainen / Luova Suomi) The photos from the IPA Forum 2014 were taken and kindly supplied by Seppo Samuli (seppo@sepposamuli.com).

Creative Commons License
Graphic Facilitation/Recording by Raquel Benmergui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.